
Wednesday, 12 September 2012



The  zoning is defined as   “the regulation by the law of use of land, buildings and the height and density of buildings is the specific area for the purpose of securing convenience, health, safety and general welfare of community.
Objects of zoningThe objects and purposes of zoning are as follow:
  • The town planner gets ample opportunities for designing the future growth and development of town. The zoning serves as main tool to the town planner to achieve his goal.
  • The zoning affords proper co-ordination of various public amenities such as transport facilities, water supply, drainage, electric power
  • The zoning proves to be an effective instrument in the hands of town planner for making any town planning scheme effective and successful. 
Principles of Town PlanningThe main principles of zoning are as follow:
  • Arrangement of zones:The usual pattern of zones is in the form of concentric bands. The central area of the town is followed the sub-central area, the intermediate area and the undeveloped area. The other pattern of zones would be to provide blocks or units for various use in different parts of the town.
  • Boundaries:The design of boundaries for different zones should be carefully made. A Street or road usually does not provide a suitable boundary. A railway line or parker an open green space may prove to be satisfactory boundary.
  • Existing town:When zoning is to be applied to an existing town, the information regarding to the existing use of land is gathered and as for as possible, the town is dividing into the zones by considering the pre-dominant use in particular areas. However, the existing use of land can only be altered, if there are substantial grounds to justify such alteration.
  • Flexibility:The principles of zoning may be rigidly enforced. But at the same time, care should be taken to observe the flexibility in working out the details of zoning. for instance home should be very near to the place of work to reduce time and cost of travel. But at the same time, they should not be too near to be dislike by inhabitants for residence. Similarly, the small shopping centers for day-to-day requirements should be allowed in residential zone.
  • New towns:For designing new town of known population, the areas required for residence, industry and business are worked out with the help of suitable methods.

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