The term stream includes the channelized flow of any size, from the smallest brook to a very large river. Although the term river and stream are used synonymously.
Type of stream
On the basis of development and origin the stream have been classified into four groups.
i. Consequent StreamConsequent streams are those which follow the slope of the initial surface.
ii. Subsequent StreamThere are tributary streams which develop on the sloping of a stream valley. Subsequent streams generally take their course along the weak and easily erodible zones, such as rock boundaries, fault zones, joints etc. These weak zones are discovered and eroded after the development of the consequent streams.
iii. Antecedent StreamAntecedent steams are those which are able to maintain their original across the area of uplift.
iv. Superposed StreamGeologic events may strongly control the course of a stream. Streams flowing in a dendritic pattern on horizontally bedded younger formation may erode through it to expose the underlying, strongly folded and faulted older rocks of varying hardness. Over the older rocks, the stream courses will not easily adjust to form wholly new drainage pattern appropriate streams. Superposed streams do not show any relation to the structure of the underlying rocks.
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