
Wednesday, 5 September 2012



The most common device used by men for tapping groundwater is the well. The well is a vertical opening or shaft excavated into the zone of saturation. Wells serves as reservoirs into which groundwater moves and form which it can be pumped to the surface. The amount of water that a well will yield depends chiefly on
v The permeability of the aquifer
v Thickness of the aquifer
v Diameter of the well
Types Of Well
Depending upon the method construction the wells may be classified into the following groups
i. Dug WellsDug wells are excavated by means of picks and shovels and their diameter is usually more than one meter. These wells seldom exceed a depth of 20 meters
ii. Driven WellsThe well in the unconsolidated material may be constructed by driving a pipe at the end of which there is a driven point. The diameter of such well seldom exceeds 7.0 centimeters.
iii. Bored WellsThe bored wells are constructed in the unconsolidated materials by means of hand or power augers.
iv. Jetted WellsThese wells are excavated in the loose earth material by the force of the jet of water which is produced by pumping water through hollow drill rods.
v. Drilled WellsThe water form consolidated aquifers is extracted by drilling deep wells. These wells are generally constructed by hydraulic rotary drill method. The drilled wells may attain a depth of 70 meters or more.

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