The town planner should give careful considerations for the location of various public buildings such as town hall, auditorium, municipal buildings, post offices, central public library, university campus, schools, hospitals, etc
Following factors should be examined at the time of site selection for the public buildings:
- Fore ground
- Grouping
- Monumental buildings
- Parking space
- Purpose
- Fore ground:The site of public building should have sufficient foreground so that a full view may be obtained ant it can be seen to its best advantage. For achieving better results, it is desirable that the observer should be at a distance equal to twice the height of the building. the shape of foreground should rather be oblong
- Grouping:The public buildings whose factions are interrelated should be located very near to each other. If possible, it is desirable to form a grouping of such public buildings on a common site.
- Monumental buildings:A monumental building should, if possible, be located at the summit of a grade in hilly countries so that it can be seen with advantage from avenues approaching it. The sites with a park view or river front or sea front or axis of parkway are also excellent for location of the public buildings.
- Parking space:The sites for certain public buildings such as town hall, hospital etc have an ample and adequate parking space around them.
- Purpose:The site should be of easy access and best suited to the purpose for which the public building is intended.
Some of the illustrations are as follow.
ü The central library should be readily accessible to the whole or part of the city it serves and should be in a quiet place with ample open space around it.
ü The educational institutions like university campus which provides residential facilities may be on the outskirts of the city in park like surroundings and on extensive areas sufficient for future development. The schools and other small educational institutions should be located in the residential areas.
ü The hospitals should be, as far as possible, in the closely inhabited areaso as to be readily accessible for all the people. They should also be free from noise and dust and should have sufficient area for future expansion.
ü The main post office should, if possible, be near the railway station and within easy walking distance from the business center.
ü The municipal and govt buildings should be near the main business area of the town. But they should be on the edge and not in the center of this area.
ü The sanatorium, medical hospitals and other special medical institutions should be located away from the center of the town.
ü The town hall should be located near the transit facilities
ü The educational institutions like university campus which provides residential facilities may be on the outskirts of the city in park like surroundings and on extensive areas sufficient for future development. The schools and other small educational institutions should be located in the residential areas.
ü The hospitals should be, as far as possible, in the closely inhabited areaso as to be readily accessible for all the people. They should also be free from noise and dust and should have sufficient area for future expansion.
ü The main post office should, if possible, be near the railway station and within easy walking distance from the business center.
ü The municipal and govt buildings should be near the main business area of the town. But they should be on the edge and not in the center of this area.
ü The sanatorium, medical hospitals and other special medical institutions should be located away from the center of the town.
ü The town hall should be located near the transit facilities
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